Narcissistic Mother Wound Recovery

Narcissistic Wound Recovery – this woman is in her 60’s and healing the LIFELONG painful injury from her narcissistic mother.  People become narcissistic generally because their most basic needs are not met as children.

Rita says: “Damaris embodies profound insight and understanding.  She is a generous soul willing to share the journey from the initial troubled soul searching to discovery and enlightenment, with knowledge, wisdom and humor.”  I found her to be powerful and steadfast in her ability to guide me in my work.  She taught me how to explore, how to focus, how to clear my mind and energy and soul of those long-seated ideas and past hurts.  Bringing them to the light of day empowered me to look at them, study them, acknowledge and release them.  And now I am becoming who I really am as I continue doing the tapping and clearing and affirming.”

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