“First session: I learned from Damaris that it is a hallmark of narcissistic bosses to place the new employee on a pedestal – chosen because that new person will make the boss look good. Once you fail to reflect the spotlight on the narcissistic boss and claim any accolades for yourself, you become a threat. I found myself replaced by a new person who took over 75% of my job and left me feeling demoted. I realized what I thought was a shortcoming in myself, was really the fact that I was drawn to work environments and people who were narcissists. After a while things started collapsing … I’m asking myself “how can this be after I’ve been my most amazing and capable self at work”… and then – all of a sudden it changes.

Now I see the connection between my narcissistic parent and narcissistic boss. And I understand that it’s not about me and my abilities – it was about my boss’s needs to control my emotions by taking me on an emotional roller coaster ride to feed his need for “narcissistic supply”.

I realize my current workplace has been just a repetition of other narcissistic bosses… Ultimately, this new awareness from my sessions and the readings Damaris recommended, gave me the courage to quit my job! I’ve been wanting to start my own business for years!”

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