What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP) was created in the 1970’s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, and it acquired a very bad reputation as a mind-control technique. This is VERY unfortunate because it’s a great tool for releasing subconscious programs out of the neural nets in the brain. As far as Beyond Talk Therapy is concerned, NLP is best described as the way we talk story to ourselves and others about events in our lives. The three aspects of NLP are: how we perceive events, how we talk about events, and how events are imprinted in the nervous system.

It’s not what happens to us, it’s the meaning we give to the event when it happens.  If the event is life-threatening or traumatizing in some other way, both the mind and the body are involved in recording it.

What Happens During Trauma?

  • There is a short-circuit in the body’s electrical (acupuncture meridian) system…
  • You can’t change the event but you can change the meaning you give to it…
  • The decisions you made about yourself when it happened…
  • And the unconscious programs running on the body’s biocomputer.
  • Trauma is recorded in the body and mind at the same time.


I use NLP combined with EFT – Tapping to quickly establish a mind/body connection. Why?  Because events that have the most impact are recorded in the body and the mind simultaneously and need to be cleared at the same time too.  This is why Beyond Talk Therapy® is so effective.

Reframing is a process of changing focus in which new information and/or a new point of view alters the way you see or remember something.  When you change how you view an event you also change how your body responds to it. That is why one of the most effective ways to deal stressful effects of an unavoidable, difficult situation is to reframe your perception of it. This allows you to adapt yourself to the situation in a more positive way. This puts you back in control of your life.  The most effective way to reframe perception and the meaning given to events, is to use NLP with EFT – Tapping or EMDR.