Sleep Apnea, Dan Newman

Sleep Apnea, Dan Newman

My name is Dan Newman, and I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor in Tucson, AZ. I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea back in 1998. My first treatment was surgery – I had a “velopharyngeal plasti” procedure which was a surgical removal of my uvula and part of my palette. This was absolutely the most painful surgery I have ever experienced, and I’ve had several! That worked for 3 or 4 years, then I was back where I had started. Then the apnea returned, and I went to a CPAP machine, which stopped the physiological aspect of sleep apnea, but replaced it with the discomfort of trying to sleep with a gas mask attached to a tube, attached to a noisy machine that dried out my throat…I could go on, but the bottom line it was not a very comfortable solution. So I tried a “pure sleep” Mandibular advancement device, a plastic device that keeps my lower jaw jutting forward. The only problem is that I woke up with pain in my teeth and jaw, and my jaw still pops when I chew on my left side. So when my friend Damaris asked if I would be willing to see if a “Beyond Talk Therapy” session in which she uses EFT to address the “body’s bio-intelligence” could help my sleep apnea, I agreed, although somewhat cynically.

Well, It’s been over three weeks. I haven’t used my machine or my mouthpiece, and I’ve been sleeping like a baby. My girlfriend tells me I no longer snore, and she is absolutely thrilled with the new me. To say I’m intrigued with EFT is an understatement, and I’ve been watching the “Tapping world summit since day one. What has become very clear to me is that Dr. Drewry has developed a protocol that differs from what I’m hearing on the summit, and which actually makes more sense to me. I use EMDR extensively in my practice, and I know the power of trauma. Damaris found the trauma that caused my apnea, and she addressed it, and the results have been absolutely amazing.

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